Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last stop University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Our final school tour was at ULL. 
Saw this painted on the side of the highwway as we exited in Lafayette for the school:

The tour was conducted by two very charming girls..Laura and Sarah.  Here they are with OUR Sara..

Below is a picture of the swamp actually in the middle of the campus.  It was really beautiful.

 And yet another version of those road signs:

New Orleans visit

Drove from Aimee's house to Cameron's place off Magazine Street.  We had two lovely nights there with Cameron and Grisselle.  We went to eat dinner one night at Bachanal in the Bywater area.  Live music, good food, beautiful patio, even if it was a bit steamy!

Grisselle & Cameron at Bachanal

Sara's shirt perfectly matched this house!

Sara's favorite place to eat

Mirliton Festival Poster...only in New Orleans!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Visit to Aimee and Jason in Danielsville, Georgia

Aimee above, Shana with Sara to the left, and Meu below..........

On to visit my sister Gail and her husband Ray in Georgia

Left South Carolina and drove to Cumming, GA to stay with Gail for a couple of days.  Enjoyed being there and relaxing, although it was so hot we didn't want to leave the house!

We bought Sara her cousin Brent's car so she can drive to school this coming year.  It was an unexpected surprise. 
Thanks, Brent! Perfect timing.