Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.

We stayed in a nice hotel over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in a little Maryland town called Chestertown.  Bob wanted to stay in Maryland and we thought being out of the middle of Washington would be better.  It turns out that traffic in town was really horrendous.  People at the school told us it is always bad and the construction never seems to go away, so we were glad we chose not to stay there.  But we really loved the campus.  It is gated and like a little oasis in the middle of town.  You'd never know you were in an urban setting.
Saw the Capitol from a distance only while crawling down the street in traffic.  Wish we had time to do some tourist things, but we must save that for a trip dedicated solely to seeing Washington in the future.
An amusing street sign

The university has a lot to offer.  For a hearing person like Sara, she can go one of two ways....a BIA degree for Interpreters, or she can go into the Hearing Undergraduate (HUG) program (Sara liked the acronym). We toured the art department, where we met a professor who is a ceramist, Andre Pellerin.  We liked his work so much we bought a small vase to bring home!  We also toured the theatre department, since Sara has expressed an interest in that area as well.  She had a lot of opportunity to practice her ASL and was advised on many ways to build up her signing skills before she applies for admission, if she chooses to go to Gallaudet.

When the day was over, we headed back over the Bay Bridge and went to have dinner at a place recommended to us...Harris' Crab House in the Kent Narrows area.  It reminded us a lot of seafood places back home in New Orleans, minus the availability of clams.

Tomorrow...on to North Carolina.

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